Sonntag, 9. November 2008

Treasure Island

Captain van de Slampens ship, "de gouden Leuve" lying at the dock of the treasure island, somewhere in the caribbean...
The board is made from 4 tiles, each 60x60cm totaling in 120x120 cm (or 4x4). basic material is 2cm styrofoam, covered with pva and some sand. Painted with cheap acrylic paint. The water effect is cheap bath-silicone from the craft store over blue paint.
Every treasure island needs its own skull rock...
Some pirate huts....

1 Kommentar:

cianty hat gesagt…

That's a great gaming board! The silicone seems to work very well as a water effect. I might have to steal that idea! :)
Great work!

(I also love those pirates you posted earlier but unfortunately only one of the pics can be enlarged)

Kind Regards,